Hits: 2026

Because of the CORONA Virus, our officers have been discussing various possibilities for 2020 Field Day.  Our current information is that company re-opening rules will likely preclude multiple people from occupying the EOC later this month, so it would not be possible to conduct a multi-operator, multi-transmitter operation there, like we’ve done in past years.  Also community re-opening standards are likely to prohibit large gatherings at public parks, which would also rule-out traditional Field Day portable operations.

Concurrent with our discussions, the ARRL has made some rules changes for 2020 only, which reflect the difficulty of multiple hams gathering at the same place.  The following Temporary Rules Waivers are announced at:

1)   For Field Day 2020 only, Class D stations may work all other Field Day stations, including other Class D stations, for points. 

2)   In addition, for 2020 only, an aggregate club score will be published, which will be the sum of all individual entries indicating a specific club (similar to the aggregate score totals used in ARRL affiliated club competitions).

For all of these reasons, the BEARS Officers have concluded that there will not be a club sponsored WØMA Field Day operation this year.  Instead all BEARS members are encouraged to operate with their own individual callsigns from their home QTH, or from mobile or smaller portable operations. Then according to Rules Waiver 2) club members are encouraged to file their logs/entries with the league specifying “Boeing Employees ARS - St. Louis” as your club affiliation (spelling of the club name must be exact).  Then your score will be added to scores from other BEARS members, to arrive at a total score for our club.  

Please refer to the above-mentioned website for more information about logging programs, and how to submit entries.  Club Secretary Vic - ADØVA will be submitting a Contest Eligibility List to the ARRL to make sure that all of our club members can participate.

These plans will be discussed at our June 15th club meeting (virtual via Zoom), and additional information will be distributed by E-mail as necessary.

Field Day Logging Software (Note that Writelog is NOT on the list [yet]):

The following logging software is known to offer support for Field Day, and can be used for logging Field Day contacts. Please send any changes or additions for this list to 

FDLog (watch web site for FD2020 software update)

N3FJP (updated for FD2020)

N1MM+ (updated for FD2020)

Field Day Entry/Results Submission Deadline:

Entries must be postmarked or submitted via web app at:  by Tuesday, July 28, 2020.

Late entries cannot be accepted.