Missouri QSO Party Log Submission


2025 log submission will open after the contest begins on April 5 

Submitting Your Log

There are three ways to submit your 2025 MOQP log file:

  1. E-mail your log to moqsoparty (at) w0ma (dot) org.
  2. Use our web based log submission form.
  3. Send your paper log to the address listed on summary sheet page of the 2025 rules, along with the completed summary sheet:


Please refer to the sections below for acceptable file formats and naming conventions.

Log Files

What do we need in the a log file submitted for the Missouri QSO Party?  The rules state that Cabrillo format is  requested, and it is the best format to use.  More information on the Cabrillo format is available on the ARRL website: http://www.arrl.org/cabrillo-format-tutorial.

Here is the order of preference for log formats:

  1. Cabrillo format (.log, .txt, .cbr, .cab,  or .csv) - 100 point bonus this year for submitting a valid Cabrillo format file!
  2. Our MOQP_log.xlsm form - Save this filled in file in .csv format and edit to make it a Cabrillo file!
  3. Logs in other plain text formats – Summary Sheet required.
  4. Paper log entry – Summary Sheet required.

Each log submitted must contain Station and Operator callsign(s), location (US state or Canadian province, or DX) , category information, and  name, address and e-mail address. Each QSO entry must contain:

  • Frequency (in KHz)
  • Mode
  • Date
  • Time
  • Callsign sent by you
  • RS(T) Report given by you
  • Location Sent by you  (Missouri county for MO stations, state or province for US and Canada stations, and DX for all others)
  • Callsign of station worked
  • RS(T) Report of station worked
  • Location of station worked (Missouri county for MO stations, state or province for US and Canada stations, and DX for all others)

Example of a typical exchange at W0MA::

  • 7220 PH 2019-04-07 1426 W0MA  59 SLC AD0WX  59 STC

QSOs with stations operating from a Missouri county line should list separate QSOs for each county.

Log File Submission Tips

  1. A CABRILLO format logfile is preferred and encouraged. Most logging programs will output your file in Cabrillo format. If yours does not, visit the ARRL website page: http://www.arrl.org/cabrillo-format-tutorial for information and conversion tools. Here are a couple of resources to help you create a Cabrillo format log:
    • DF3CB's Fast Log Entry program. It looks like a simple way to rapidly enter a paper log
    • Our MOQP_log.xlsm form. Saving this form as a .csv file, then using a text editor to remove the comma (,) characters should result in a Cabrillo format file. 
    • There is a 100 point bonus this year for submitting a valid Cabrillo format file, it's worth the extra time to convert it!.
  2. The CABRILLO log file should have as many of the Cabrillo HEADER tags filled in as possible, but most importantly the CALLSIGN:, LOCATION: and EMAIL: fields must be filled in, or it will not be accepted as a CABRILLO file. Most logging programs do this automatically or you can fill in the missing data using a text editor.
    1. The Cabrillo header CATEGORY-xxxx: fields are used to determine your contest category, and should should as comletely as possible. Data enterd the the CATEGORY-xxxx: fields should conform to what is defined in the World Wide Radio Operators Cabrillo Specification for Headers.
    2. The LOCATION: field should contain your US State, Canada province, or DX.
  3. Name your logfile with your callsign in all caps, no spaces or special characters. Example: W0MA.LOG or W0MA.TXT or W0MA.XLS or W0MA.CSV.
  4. When submitting by e-mail, make the subject of the e-mail your callsign and nothing else, or the robot may reject your e-mail as SPAM.
  5. Leave the '/x' designators out of the file name and e-mail title (W0MA.LOG instead of W0MA/M.LOG for a filename, W0MA instead of W0MA/M as an e-mail title). The '/' symbol cannot be used in a file name.
  6. Check Logs Received list after submitting. Within 20 minutes of submission (and acceptance) of a CABRILLO format log your call sign  should appear in that list. If it doesn't appear, check the file over again to make sure the CABRILLO headers are filled in, recheck the file name and e-mail title as listed above and submit it again.
  7. Files submitted in other formats other that CABRILLO need to be reviewed and processed by the MOQP log processing team.Your call will not appear in the Logs Received list until approved by the log procesing team. This can take 24 hours or more, depending on how busy our volunteer team of log processors happen to be.

Thanks again to all of you for making the MOQP fun this year!