The 2018
Missouri QSO Party
April 7 and 8, 2018
coordinated by the
Boeing Employees Amateur Radio Society
St. Louis (BEARS-STL)

- WØMA – Contest Coordinator
- Eastern MO Bonus Point Station
- SHOWME Wild Card Station
- Work WØMA and get a 100 point bonus
- Work KØH (KØGQ) and get a 100 point bonus New for 2018
- Work the Special Event 1x1 stations ending in S,H,O,W,M,E
to spell SHOWME and get a nice certificate
- Submit your log electronically (in Cabrillo format) and get an extra 100 point bonus

- KØH (KØGQ) – Western MO Bonus Point Station
Thank you, everyone for a great 2018 Missouri QSO Party. It was lots fof fun, thanks to all of you!
Be sure and check out everyone's SOAPBOX COMMENTS.
73, and we will look for you all again next year!